It is based on Notion's share site and used to collect anything from Internet then share it out quickly using Bation.
Netsec Youtube Channel - Learning & Sharing & Creating
Focusing on Information Technology and Cybersecurity area. Blogger.
51sec - Learning, Sharing & Creating - Wordpross
All Resources Collected from Internet for IT Professional Security,
Collecting all interesting things from Internet
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Code: OneDrive - Using jyyy 51sec org - C Related site is for test 51sec eu org, - long !
Large Space Team sharing google drive - Movies, Musics, Software, ISO, Tools, etc Related site is able to upload:
Tools folder on Google Drive - - yyy.jjjj
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Internet Discovery and Navigation. Collecting all interesting websites.
UP monitors 51Sec Websites and servers! The monitoring real-time data from our GitHub repository.
Monitoring up status for my blogs and websites
A simple page running on Heroku to show some of my blog status
Download site. Directly download to Google Drive. RPC setting is
It is URL shorten site created to shorten long url. Powered by CloudFlare.
Github repositories for all 51sec's personal projects
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Tiktok style video website
A bookmark page created based on Cloudflare Workers
Collection for all interesting resources.
It is to demonstrate how dangerous it is once you grant your camera permission to an app.
A Cloudflare Workers to have a sandbox running in the cloud.
Get your public ip address: curl Other sites: 1. curl 2. curl 3. curl
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
老部落 岂止于建站
网络技术HOT, 网站建设, 资源分享 笔记 VPS推荐 个人中心 空白页面 模块化布局页面
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
a website for sharing tech tips
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
VPS推荐-评测 热门协议搭建 各类脚本及教程 客户端下载 OpenWRT(软路由)固件合集
部落阁 — 你想要的综合站
有趣,有料,有深度;编程随想 科学技术 时事灵感 行运福利 素 材源码 浩瀚专题
技术攻关, 一个记录生活的博客,一个主打原创的博客。力求原创真实。
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
个人博客 生活记录 原创文章 技术分享 群晖技巧 群晖教程 免费FRP 免费内网穿透
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Computingforgeeks is a vibrant, ever updated podium where knowledge is encountered, skills acquired and sharpened in depth and scope.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
无知 · 乐观 · 谦逊 · 低调 · 生活 网络安全自学篇,知识图谱、web数据挖掘及NLP,渗透&攻防领域博主
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Control Panel Software:DirectAdmin Storage: 500 MB (can be increased after 7 days) Max File Size: 10 MB, Bandwidth: Unmetered, MySQL Databases: 2, FTP Accounts: 3, Domains: 2, Subdomains: 2, Domain Pointers: 1, Email Addresses: 3, Features: Softaculous auto installer, PHP version select
1000 MB Disk Space, FTP account and File Manager, Control Panel,Addon domain, Parked Domains, Sub-Domains,Webmail email Accounts,Softaculous, Cron Jobs, SPF Records,Automatic Self Signed SSL
5 GB Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth, 400 MySQL Databases, Free Subdomain Names, Free SSL on all your domains, Free DNS Service
1 Website, 1 MySQL, 1 e-mail account,100% free hosting for lifetime, Hosting for your own domain name, Unmetered bandwidth, 30000 daily visitors. No Free subdomain, no free domain hosting (, TK, ML, GA), no mail/sendmail.
1 Website, 1 MySQL, 300 MB Disk Space, Limited Bandwidth (3 GB), no your own domain. No SSL Certificate, No SubDomain/Free Domain, No Email Account.
1000MB Disk, 50GB/Month Transfer, 5 addon/parker/sub domains, 5 MySQL, and more. FTP has10MB maximum file size. VistaPanel. cPanel/ftp URL is in email.
Unlimited Disk and bandwidth, 1 FTP account, 400 MySQL. Free sub domain, ssl, Cloudflare CDN, and DNS service. Own domain, no ads. Free Hosting Control panel. To avoice inactive or suspend your account, log in at least cpanel once per month.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Issue and renew free 90-day SSL certificates in under 5 minutes & automate using ACME integrations and a fully-fledged REST API.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
梅塔沃克 - 专注跨境
科技 杂志 软件 游戏 关于 动态 Subconverter Aria2 English Site
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
柠檬雨(aka iLemonrain/JuicyxLemon)
有智,有趣,有爱. 是世界上最美好的三件事。崇尚科技和高效,网站致力于个人提升和价值分享。
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
DB Tech specializes in tutorial videos about Docker, Portainer, self-hosted services, OpenMediaVault, Raspberry Pi, and Chromebooks. Related link is Youtube channel
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English 美国vps、国外主机评测!
I'm alive, I'm here! 人生的两大悲剧:想要的没得到和想要的得到了。
一个菜鸟的记录, 小楼一夜听风雨
运维之美 不是所有有价值的事物都可以被计算,也不是所有可计算的事物都值得去计算。
( - 便宜主机分享与评测,建站教程与经验分享
欢迎您来到我的博客 且听我慢慢倾诉……
WEB Developer
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
本站精选互联网优秀软件分享、电脑技术、经验教程、SEO网站优化教程、IT科技资讯为一体的的站点、安全、绿色、放心、找你所需要的 给你我分享的!站长无欢不爱
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Web前端 腾讯IMWeb 团队社区
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Free Email Forwarding: Create unlimited email addresses for free using your custom domain. Plus get catch-all, wildcard, and disposable aliases – all for free!
Daily sending limit of 300 emails. Support API and SMTP.
Turn your visitors into engaged customers. Grow your website with free tools trusted by 15 million sites.
With ClustrMaps you can instantly discover where your visitors are coming from. Audience geo location heatmap visualises and highlights the countries in which your website is popular.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
BlockAdblock works "right out of the box" with the basic script, but you can easily configure defensive options and customize the 'block screen' for your site right here:
超级外链发布工具收集了数千个网站网址,其中包括IP查询、SEO综合信息查询、SEO外链数量查询、Alexa排名查询以及PR值查询等等网站。 由于这些网址大多有查询记录,而且百度、谷歌等搜索引擎会抓取其中的网址,SEO外链工具会自动查询这几千个网址以达到留下无数记录供搜索引擎抓取, 当搜索引擎抓取之后就会增加一条外链,一般连续刷几天就能看到明显的提升效果。
+Works with all RSS readers+No branding on subscription page+Free basic plan for both Email and RSS+Solid RSS and Email subscriber tracking
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
A next-generation AI assistant for your tasks, no matter the scale
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
No credit card needed. Just start to create with Recraft for Vectorized photos, no restriction to use for commercial.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Colab allows you to write and execute Python in your browser, with: -Zero configuration required -Free access to GPUs -Easy sharing
AWS - integrated development environment for students and teachers
PWD is a Docker playground which allows users to run Docker commands in a matter of seconds. It gives the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in browser, where you can build and run Docker containers and even create clusters in Docker Swarm Mode.
Learn new technologies using real environments right in your browser. Related : Ubuntu 20.04: Extra: Ubuntu 18.04 :
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Via is a closed proxy that lets you annotate web pages and PDFs with Hypothesis. Only a small number of known sites can be annotated. See our help article and abuse policy for more information.
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
One click to deploy Uptimerobot's status page into Heroku.
open-source uptime monitor and status page, powered entirely by GitHub
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
A powerful static navigation website , support SEO, multiple level's category, backend management, import browser bookmarks
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Google Adsense
An Intelligent Platform Built For Publisher
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
An All-in-one SEO toolset, with free Learning materials and a passionate Community & support
Semrush offers solutions for SEO, PPC, content, social media and competitive research.
A crawling web service that enables you to create and run web crawls through SaaS. It is one of the best Free online Web Crawler tools which consists of numerous server that allows you to access the site from different IP addresses.
Check All the Links on a Website
SEO Score Checker, SEO Crawler Tool, Domain Authority Checker, Redirect Checker, Header Status Checker,Keyword Rank Checker, Keyword Density Checker, Sitemap Generator, Robots.txt Generator, Meta Tag Generator, UTM Builder
free website crawler to detect all technical SEO issues in one place, fix them and get more organic traffic, satisfied users and sales
Google Analytics是一个收集数据并将其分析整理成实用报告的平台
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
TraceRoute查询_专业的 IP 地址库_IPIP.NET
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Web based FTP, SFTP, SCP Client
The web-based FTP client
A global CDN, DNS, network built for the cloud
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
An Open Source Web SSH Client that enables you to connect to SSH servers without download any additional software.
SSHGate is a web-based Terminal Emulator and SSH client that brings the power of the command line to the web. It requires no browser plugins so it is fully compliance with all the Web browsers.
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
提供了编程的基础技术教程, 介绍了HTML、CSS、Javascript、Python,Java,Ruby,C,PHP , MySQL等各种编程语言的基础知识。 同时本站中也提供了大量的在线实例,通过实例,您可以更好的学习编程
腾讯课堂 - 专业的在线教育平台
网易云课堂 - 领先的实用技能学习平台
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Docker — 从入门到实践
Docker 镜像仓库
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Git常用命令参考手册 (推荐学习)
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专注网页搜索、数据检索、信息搜集等泛搜索服务.包括:搜索相关行业资讯、常用搜索的深度挖掘、垂直搜索的 wiki、SEO+SEM以及搜索技术的深度呈现。
Search online courses
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Redis 是一个开源(BSD许可)的,内存中的数据结构存储系统,它可以用作数据库、缓存和消息中间件。 它支持多种类型的数据结构
MySQL数据库服务是一个完全托管的数据库服务,可使用世界上最受欢迎的开源数据库来部署云原生应用程序。 它是百分百由MySQL原厂开发,管理和提供支持
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Z-Library 项目部分. 全球最大的数字图书馆, 电子书
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Linux 常用命令参考手册
Jenkins是开源CI&CD软件领导者, 提供超过1000个插件来支持构建、部署、自动化, 满足任何项目的需要
Vscode 扩展开发文档
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
程序员简历模板系列, WEB/IOS/Android/C++/node等以及通用程序员简历模板
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
This is a collection of various technical icons, glyphs, logos and other imagery all in SVG format. The icons are mainly Azure related but there are various other brands and logos plus abstract/generic symbols.
壁纸网站Wallhaven is a site created by and for people who like wallpapers. What started as a replacement for the sadly defunct has turned into one of the best wallpaper platforms on the net!
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English is an intelligent image compression tool that lets you reduce the file size of your images. Join thousands of users who use to save storage needed and get better performance!
TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your WEBP, JPEG and PNG files.智能PNG和JPEG压缩,以质量和文件大小的完美平衡来优化您的图像
High compress rate
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Conversion,Image Manipulation,Compress,Resize,Color picker,Watermark,Image Splitter,Merge,Pencil sketch your photo, Add text,Handwritten Signature image,Text to image,Pixelate image, color palette from image, Add logo, Make Transparent background, Make rounded corner image
Unique JavaScript algorithm to compress image filesize by up to 80% without losing quality. 独特且强悍的JavaScript算法,能极速压缩80%的图片体积,而不损害其质量
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Generate your Face Analysis Report INSTANTLY. Backed by Science.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Free Watermark Remover, you can easily get rid of any unwantedd watermark in seconds.
Easily remove the background of your photos
Using the latest Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. It intelligently reduces noise and serration in images to enlarge them without losing quality. Online / Offline. 使用开源waifu2x人工智能深度卷积神经网络(CNN)智能无损免费放大图片
Simple embedding for Unsplash photos. - 随机生成图片链接
Cool Backgrounds helps solve some basic design problems for marketers and social media managers, Cool Backgrounds is a collection of tools to create compelling, colorful images for blogs, social media, and websites.
Fast drawing for everyone. AI driven Drawing.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
ImgURL是一个简单、纯粹的图床程序,让个人图床多一个选择.图片上传与预览, URL上传/Ctrl + V粘贴上传, 图片查看器、图片管理 图片自动裁剪 图片压缩 图片智能鉴黄 外部存储 API支持 SEO友好
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world. - 收集来自世界各地的5000多个公共IPTV频道
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Easy to create all kinds of multimedia files, especially for mockups. There are free templates, which you can insert some other templates to make your own videos to download without watermark.
Microsoft purchased it. There are some free videos which you an easily to create your own one, and upload to YouTube seamlessly.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Watermark 720p - not worth trying anymore.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
超过1000+SVG Logos集合
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
设计模板 - Canva
带有开源插图的设计项目,可满足您可以想象和创建的任何想法。 免费使用您的颜色创建漂亮的网站,产品和应用程序
由GitHub Design团队创建和维护的所有吉祥物素材
从每日ui档案库及其他收集的每日灵感。 根据Dribbble拍摄的照片,手工挑选,每天更新
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Color Wheel, Extract Theme, Extract Gradient, Accessibility Tools
Color Hunt是一个免费开放的平台,可通过数千种精选的时尚调色板来激发色彩灵感
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
360查字体 - 查版权,免纠纷
Ps Play - 移动设计零阻力
鹿班 - 让设计更美好(阿里出品)
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Reduce Video File Size Online
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations you can choose from.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
CodeFormer is a robust face restoration algorithm for old photos or AI-generated faces. 图像修复 人脸壁纸
Get rid of the watermarks from your images using our powerful AI technology
Free AI tool that converts your portrait and face photo to cartoon style online
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Remove the background from images with AI in seconds. Our AI is tuned to recognize products and people, automatically erasing the background.
Gradio Demo for AnimeGanv2 Face Portrait. To use it, simply upload your image, or click one of the examples to load them. Read more at the links below. Please use a cropped portrait picture for best results similar to the examples below.
Remove any unwanted object, defect, people or text from your pictures in seconds.
Enlarge your Photos: Free tool to enlarge your photo or image online. Upload and select from the four different enlargements we generate.
Enhance your creative works with photos generated completely by AI. Find model images through our sorted and tagged app, or integrate images via API.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
极简大纲笔记 | 一键生成思维导图
在线制作 PPT,让分享更有价值
超级应用空间致力于全生命周期的文档管理,无需安装,即可在线编辑Office, CAD,PS等任意格式文档,支持远程协作,全文检索,版本管理,权限管理,安全外发等.提高工作效率,降低安全风险
鹿班 - 让设计更美好(阿里出品)
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Vercel's frontend cloud gives developers the frameworks, workflows, and infrastructure to build a faster, more personalized Web.
a cloud IDE service to maximize productivity for developers and teams. Root access to container.
An infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
50 hours per month for free. The developer platform for on-demand cloud development environments. Create software faster and more securely.
It serves as an IDE, a code collaboration platform, a cloud provider, a developer community, and so much more.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
One self-service developer platform for your apps, databases, and jobs. Included resources: 2 services, 2 jobs, and 1 addon, 1 BYOC cluster.
a distributed system that allows you to run JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly close to users, at the edge, worldwide
Free Plan: Project number limit: 1, CPU limit: 1 vCPU, Memory limit: 512 MB, Disk limit: 1 GB
Doprax is for early stage startups, Freelancer, and entrepreneurs to host, run and maintain their applications easy and safe
Instantly spin up production-like dev environments in the cloud for every developer.
Netlify is a fit-to-purpose solution to deploy and run websites. It’s a fully managed solution, and it allows to run apps without managing the infrastructure, DevOps engineers and under a scalable environment.
Fly is a platform for running full stack apps and databases close to your users.
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
1 dedicated VM 2 CPU per VM 1 GB RAM per VM 5 GB total storage
a free quota up to the first 5 clusters created in each Organization.
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. Limit of 2 free projects. Up to 500MB database & 1GB file storage. Free projects are paused after 1 week of inactivity.
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Dig in with DevNet Sandbox – technology packed Cisco labs – today! FREE with 24x7 access! Networking, Data Center, Cloud, Security, IoT, Collaboration, Analytics &Automation, Open Source
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Free Core collection and visualization features: Discussion group supported, 1-day metric retention, Up to 5 hosts, Full-Resolution Data Retention: 1 day
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Online Server and Website uptime monitoring. Detect and resolve website performance issues proactively. Get 20 monitors with 3-minute checks totally FREE.
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
It uses Lighthouse to measure the Lab Data and Chrome's User Experience API to measure Field Data. The aim of this tool is to provide insights and easy ways to improve the website's speed no matter what platform or technology the website is built on.
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No login or registration required. Security-first diagramming for teams. Integrate with Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, nextcloud
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
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有时我们需要一个从未访问过的国家/地区的随机地址,仅用于检查地址格式或获取地址信息以注册某些站点。 我们提供来自多个常用国家和地区的地址。
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a FREE on-line scan service, which checks uploaded files for malware, using antivirus engines, indicated in the VirSCAN list.
Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community
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It can be tried for free. Only for ISO27001
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Ambitious tech companies all over the world trust Sprinto to power their security compliance programs and sprint through security audits without breaking their stride.
Sprinto is a robust platform for automating security compliance tailored to the needs of rapidly expanding, cloud-based businesses. It features powerful and straightforward architecture that automates and oversees end-to-end compliance tasks. Sprinto is compatible with various frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO 27017, FCRA, CIS, OFDSS, NIST, CCPA, CSA Star, and even custom frameworks.
Drata automates your compliance journey from start to audit-ready and beyond and provides support from the security and compliance experts who built it.
Automate compliance and streamline security reviews with the leading trust management platform. Vanta helps SaaS businesses of all sizes manage risk and prove security in real time.
Grow your business with our all-in-one compliance and certification platform. From multi-framework mapping to in-platform certification, Strike Graph makes it easier to achieve your security goals.
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Paste a password, secret message or private link to share with others. Keep sensitive info out of your email and chat logs.
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Free Plan: 27 servers in 3 countries, 1 VPN connection, Medium speed, Strict no-logs policy, Access blocked content
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Get started for free. Snyk is a developer security platform. Integrating directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines, Snyk makes it easy for teams to find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code.
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This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.
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一些可用在 Web 或软件开发的开放 API 接口
Google Workspace状态信息中心
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YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台
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一个免费,快速,美观的API请求构建器,供10万多个开发人员使用。(原名叫 Postwoman)
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Pinggy is the easiest way to get public URLs for your localhost.
ngrok是一个反向代理,通过在公共的端点和本地运行的 Web 服务器之间建立一个安全的通道。ngrok可捕获和分析所有通道上的流量,便于后期分析和重放
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Generate a CMD file to download Windows files.
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New version of Providing Windows, Linux ISO files for downloading - need to log in - Microsoft Software and ISO Images - itellyou MSDN
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WordPress security, performance, marketing, and design tools — Jetpack is made by WordPress experts to make WP sites safer and faster, and help you grow your traffic.
Use an external image as featured image of your post, page or custom post type.
It is verifiably one of WordPress’ most trusted and utilized plugins for moving websites with absolute ease
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Pure, Simple, Light, Intuitive. 专业尽职 极致低调 只为巩固安全防线
Related is Offline Installer
Related Link is Offline Installer
AIDA64 is a tool for testing software and hardware system information. It can display every aspect of PC information in detail.
Microsoft Visual C Legacy Runtime Library Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1(8.0.61187) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1(9.0.30729.7523) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1(10.0.40219.473) Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 up4(11.0.61135) Microsoft Visual C++ 2013(12.0.40664) Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 (14.30.30704 )
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files. No need to format the disk over and over, you just need to copy the ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files to the USB drive and boot them directly.
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美丽的Git GUI中的简单性和强大功能
Charles是HTTP代理/ HTTP监视器/反向代理,使开发人员可以查看其计算机与Internet之间的所有HTTP和SSL / HTTPS通信。这包括请求,响应和HTTP标头(其中包含cookie和缓存信息)。
适用于macOS的免费开源OpenVPN VPN客户端服务器软件。
macOS文件存档器, 储存更多,私密分享
VScode是一款轻量级的编辑器,自由。 建立在开源上。 无处不在。
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
适用于开发人员,数据库管理员,分析师和所有需要使用数据库的人员的免费的多平台数据库工具。支持所有流行的数据库:MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle,DB2,SQL Server,Sybase,MS Access,Teradata,Firebird,Apache Hive,Phoenix,Presto等
Redis Desktop Manager(又名RDM)—是用于Windows,Linux,MacOS和iPadOS的快速Redis数据库管理应用程序。
Sequel Pro是一个快速,易于使用的Mac数据库管理应用程序,用于处理MySQL数据库。
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51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English
51Sec Navigation - Featured and useful navigation websites - English